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Thursday, October 11, 2012

World of Darkness - Session 3

The party questions their passenger, Kiben, as to the whereabouts of the children.  He claims their in a safe place, and that they shouldn't worry.  They drive back to town and drop him off at the motel and return to their work and home.

Around town, they are constantly questioned on what happened, why they stopped, and what truth is behind the rumor about zombies.  Eventually, Catelyn MacArthur decides to go to Bear Gate and be sure that the children aren't there.  She gets the gang together and they head off, only time they all bring guns.  Catelyn with his hunting rifle, and Ardan O'Neill brings a shotgun.

They arrive at Bear Gate.  The salt mine is right off the highway, and they see it crawling with zombies.  They hear a strange cry and look further into town.  They spot a man on the roof, motioning at them.  Catelyn sights in of him and notices his skin is pale, and he has no hair on his body, and he is shirtless.  He is pointing and screaming at them.  Suddenly dozens and dozens of people, all similar in his appearance, begin to pour out of town, heading straight for them.  She lines up a shot to shoot the first guy, assuming him as their leader.

Suddenly they hear a thud on the roof of the SUV, followed by a howl.  Sarge, Abigail St Clair's dog, starts barking like crazy.  Catelyn feels strange, and lets off a round.  The entity on the roof jumps down, revealing that it is a huge, brown wolf.  It is joined by two others.  By now, the horde of crazy people are nearing, so the party starts to unload their weapons.  The wolves charge into the group, and seem to distract a large group of attackers, luring them away.  Mark Davidson guns the gas.

As they start driving away, they manage to kill a few, and wound many.  Just when their route seemed blocked, Mark pulled an amazing turn and had them on a road heading north, away from Bear Gate.  He tried to bring them around to the highway but they ran into a graveyard, where the dead had risen.  After some navigating, Mark gets them back to the highway and back to town.

Once back to Haven Meadow, Mark and Catelyn go to see the mayor.  Kiben intercepts them, and assures them that the children are safe.  With they ask to see them, he says he can't let them.  So, they continue to the mayor and tell him what happened.  The mention of wolves in Kansas is peculiar  but the mayor mentions that there was a complaint a few weeks back and a wolf pack near the junkyard.  Mark needs to get some work done on his SUV, and so he and Catelyn head that way.  Separately, Ardan needs to restock some plywood, and heads to the junkyard, being good friends with Willy, the owner.

The trio arrive and inquire as to way the other was here.  Willy emerges and lets them inside his small trailer.  He gives Catelyn and Ardan coffee, but says he doesn't give drinks to strangers, referring to Mark.  When Mark asks about getting a new windshield, Willy calls for Cobin, a teenage boy that hangs around the junkyard and helps out.  Cobin and Ardan go outside, and Ardan learns that the yard has some plywood he could buy.  Catelyn inquires if they have a working SUV for sale, and Willy takes her out back to show her the only one he has.  As they negotiate, two bikers arrive, looking for Willy.  Ardan seems strangely comfortable around them, but Mark does not.  Mark, knowing the supernatural world, uses his deductive skills and determines that these men are the pack of wolves they met.  He thanks the bikers for Bear Gate.  Surprised and angered, oen of them pins him up against the wall.  Everyone comes inside when they hear the ruckus, and eventually Mark is released.  Mark convinces Willy to armor and fix his SUV, planning to return with salt.

The party leaves, making plans to head back to Bear Gate.  Mark heads home and receives contact on his laptop, with a transmission: "Victor Alpha secure.  Request status."  To which he responded, "In rally point, I am secure and awaiting orders.  Found pack of werewolves."  With a reply of "And the SOS?" And reply, "Did not find source yet."  "Copy."

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