Updates after each session.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

No DragonQuest This Week, But...

So, one member couldn't make it, and one and a half of the other players couldn't bring themselves out of their naps to play.  Top that with me, the GM, feeling under the weather all week, with yesterday as no exception, I decided not to run a session.

On a plus side, Silenced Requiem has agreed to collaborate with me on producing some artwork for my world, which will begin us on the road to me getting my game to the point where it may be published.  I've also decided to 'out source', in a manner of speaking, and allow a few of my pals to join me in my next edition of the game I call "Project M" for various reasons.  Trying to write an entire book and create an entire system from scratch, with the aim being public usage instead of just entertaining me and mine, is a daunting task for one individual.

A very powerful hurdle will be to create a balanced, yet powerful magic system without making things excessively complex.  In this department, I'm looking for the most help.  Race work is all but done, and I have a profession system devised after DragonQuest's skills that simply needs to be written out and refined.

A main hurdle within my professions is the idea that I want to make something along the lines of a warrior's profession.  I've had many DragonQuest campaigns, including this current one (speaking of you, Kirin Drakos), where the player simply wants to play a sword-for-hire.  As Project M is modeled after DragonQuest, and in DragonQuest a sword-for-hire quickly fills up his weaponry skills long before the other players are more than half way with their skills, I see the need to fill that void.  I reviewed several home-brew warrior skills, and they all seemed, well, over powered.  I don't want there to be any real combat benefits, to avoid everyone taking ranks in it just to be on par with the one super-warrior in the party.  Currently, I'm leaning more towards a Jack-of-all-Trades, master of none, sort of approach, borrowing concepts from Ranger, Military Scientist, and even Courtesan (oddly).

I look forward on elaborating on Project M via this blog.  If things really start to get heavy, who knows what might happen.

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