Sorry for the long delay, my computer decided to kill itself. I bought a new one. Without further delay: what the hell happened last session? A bunch of stuff, that's what.
Three weeks have passed since Lord Joron dispatched his troops to rescue Benlag. At the capitol city, Sibyll Demier, Kirin Drakos, and Anton Estio (whom I have incorrectly called Esio) fight a losing battle to hold the city. The enemy seemed content to draw things out, attacking in such a way to minimize casualties. Sixty-percent of the city had been lost, and the defending army had all but been destroyed. Word arrives that Lord Joron has arrived, and will arrive in the city in three days. The Icurnas army knows this as well, and everyone knows that the city could fall in mere hours should Icurnas bring its full force to bear.
Meanwhile, Benlag and his host of eight-thousand were lured unto the ice bridge, and a magic ritual destroyed part of the bridge stranding them from the island. They have been ferrying soldiers, but are in no position to aid the capitol.
Lord Ironbrow brings the party, and Garif of the Shadows of Valor, to a meeting. They makes plans for their final, hopeless defense, as Icurnas is sure to attack in the morning and annihilate them. An old Loresinger shows up, and tells them the time of the prophecy has arrived. He tells them an ancient tale.
During the First Drow War, the drow and the Benlag fought for control of the island for over a year. At one point, the drow had possession of the capitol city, and crafted an abominable construct that would ensure their victory. It had the ability to destroy select forms of life on the island. Before they could use it, Benlag the First retook the capitol. The construct was made of flesh, and could be controlled by the drow, whom have power over the undead. Even to this day, they have that power.
The Loresinger says that one of the drow must journey into the hidden depths of the city and activate this construct - but to do so, they must sacrifice themselves. The Loresinger tells Garif that no Benlag would ever forget the Shadows if he took it upon himself. Garif consents, and asks that Sibyll come with him, for support. He, Sibyll, and the Loresinger venture below, while the rest take up positions. By now, Kirin had trained a contingent of one-hundred-and-twenty of Benlag warriors to follow him, and Anton joined the Shadows of Valor to hold a defensive corner.
Meanwhile, V2Z4, Elenya Lindale, and Silvertooth Dreadwind have spent the time training, and are now prepared to journey to the Dragon Plains to acquire more allies. When they arrive, they immediately realize something is wrong, and they are ambushed by assassins.
The assassins brought with them a fire mage, but Elenya's wolf, Kaz, kept him too busy to cast spells. The assassins themselves turned out to be kidnappers, as they tried to subdue the party instead of killing them. Elenya and Silvertooth are knocked unconscious. V2Z4 and Kaz begin to turn the tied before Kaz is also knocked unconscious. V2Z4 backs himself into a corner as two assassins come at him. The third, and last left standing, polaces magical stones around the teleportation rune they arrived on, and places himself, Elenya, and Silvertooth upon it. He instructs the others to not allow themselves to be taken alive, and casts a spell that transports him and the pair away. V2Z4 slays the last of thew assassins, and finds one still alive.
The battle at dawn rages, and Kirin holds back a force that outnumbers his force eight to one. Despite the odds, his regiment holds the line, but droves of Benlag warriors and militia are being slaughtered. The Shadows repel Icurnas warriors as they hold an inn in a strategic position. On the second floor, Anton, with a barrel full of arrows, fires one after another, taking foes down as they advance.
V2Z4 ties his captive. Kaz wakes up and wanders away. The captive awakens, and V2Z4 coerces him into giving information. The man explains that he is a mercenary, and that he was hired by the Councilor of Lyconia to capture them. V2Z4 releases him, and suspects that is where his friends are. Unable to help them, he sets off into the city to continue the mission alone, until an opportunity to rescue them arises.
Silvertooth awakens in a dark room, shackled to a chair. Across from him is the Lyconian Councilor. He tells Silvertooth that Icurnas is interested in him, and claims his adventurers are not becoming of a pirate captain, whom Silvertooth claims to be. The councilor tells him that if he changed sides, he would command a fleet, and be able to get his revenge on his mutinous First Mate. Silvertooth is intrigued, and asks if he could have Admiral Krakenjaw's ship. The councilor agrees. Silvertooth asks what he must do. The councilor simply tells him that treachery will be how he joins. He must betray his friends in some massive way, and the councilor even hints towards killing them. The councilor finishes the conversation, staging it so that Silvertooth and Elenya can escape. He leaves Silvertooth to think about the offer.
Silvertooth follows the ruse and helps Elenya escape, telling her nothing of their conversation. They find a portal and return tot he Dragon Plains, where they are reunited with V2Z4, and Kaz, who returns. Rejoined, they head into the city to continue their mission.
Kirin and his men are pushed all the way back tot he center of town, where they stand with Ironbrow's last men. The Shadows still hold the inn, but the dark one leading the Icurnas army appears to break them. He slays a few of them on his way upstairs. He and Anton clash blades, but Anton is overcome and slain. The Shadows rally and pounce the dark one, slaying him. The inn is over run, and they, too, retreat.
In the depths of the city, Garif and Sibyll follow the Loresinger to an ancient chamber, where a giant heart of flesh and bone rests, with tendrils growing through the walls. Garif tells Sibyll to take command of the Shadows of Valor, and to continue his mission to clean the name of the drow. He merges with the heart, his body turning to dust. In a pulse of dark energy, the Icurnas army is wiped out. Then, the heart crumbles to ash.
Benlag is saved, and Joron arrives only to render humanitarian aid. Lord Benlag decrees that all drow shall be treated like any citizen on the island, and a statue of Garif is to be erected in the capitol. Southpaw arrives, and explains his absence. Another Icurnas force had tried to seize his city, but because of the intel provided by the adventurers, he was able to turn the tide. Benlag promises to return to the Council, and add his forces to that of the armada's. Kirin's warriors, and the Southpaw, plead to join the party in their fight against the Icurnas. Lastly, Sibyll assumes command of the Shadows of Valor, through their numbers are reduced to eleven.
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