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Saturday, September 1, 2012

DragonQuest - Session 5

So, this session was rather uneventful.  Often, in DragonQuest, there ends up being an entire session dedicated to training, and that's really what happened.  It becomes a bunch of math and figuring out how long they will spend training.  Fortunately, we gamed for quite a bit, so we were able to do some interesting stuff at the end.

The party arrives at Port Cynda.  They seek out various trainers, and spend three months honing their skills.  During this time, many of them run clean out of money, after paying for training and everyday life in a city.  So, in order to try and increase their earnings, they found a local card table and had a night of gambling.

Thourin Stonefist, Kirin (still forgot last night), V2Z4, and Silvertooth Dreadwind all sat down with three other gentlemen to play cards.  Kirin and Silvertooth tried their best to cheat, and despite not being caught, they failed to earn much over what they put in.  In the end, Thourin cleaned out the entire table, and split his winnings with V2Z4.

As Thourin was cashing in his winnings, he was approached by a boar-man.  He introduced himself as Ironhoof, and explained that he heard around town that Thourin belonged to a group of privateers.  Thourin concurred, and Ironhoof asked if he could hire them to save his daughter.  Thourin agrees, and learns that a clan of lycans had taken Ironhoof's daughter, and when Ironhoof's clan went to retrieve her, they were stopped by a hydra on their way.

The party regroups back at the Dread Mist, and Thourin tells them they have a job.  Some complain that money isn't good enough, only twenty gold a head, but running low on funds, they don't argue too much.  They spend a week at sea, sailing north to the frozen isles.  They find the island where the lycans make their village.

In a hasty plan, Thourin casts spells to conceal everyone but V2Z4 and Kirin.  Kirin knew the lycan people to be that of honor, and hoped to used that in his favor.  He and V2Z4 walk up to the village, after Thourin had scouted it and found them to be gathering their dead.  He also noticed one hut that he could not enter without being seen, and the rest had no sign of the girl.  Kirin delcared that he would challenge the dishonorable one that kidnapped the boar-man girl.  The clan, having all participated and having their honor quested, declared that he would fight them all, and attacked.

Chaos ensures, as the party attacks from hiding.  Arms were lost, skulls were broken.  Kaz, Elenya Lindale's wolf, suffered broken ribs and passed out.  Kirin was slashed deep and began to bleed out.  Sibyll Demier quickly dispatched one lycan, but a second pinned her and dealt a massive blow that killed her.  When the dust settled, there were three unconscious lycans and seven dead.  Thourin used his earth magic to stop Kirin's bleeding, and miraculously saved Sibyll from death, but barely.

The party searched the protected hut, only to find it was a funeral pyre to the chieftain of the lycan clan.  They questioned the three survivors, who told them that a band of lizardmen came in the night, attacked and stole the girl.  The lycan also explained that since their honor had been shamed by two defeats, they would be grateful if the party could avenge them.  Thourin untied them, and they set off to find the lizardmen, which the lycan said were at an adjacent isle.

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