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Thursday, December 6, 2012

Armor: The Layering

Alright, so I've finally come to a point where I'm satisfied with my armor options for my roleplaying game system.  It took quite a bit of research, but that's why we invented the internet (or something).

I divided my armor into two categories: Light and Heavy.  This is primarily to distinguish it what ways they can be improved through the work of artisanship, as there is no difference in game mechanics, although Light is obviously less protective and weighs less than heavy.  Each category has eight different styles to choose from.

Years ago, I toyed with the idea of armor stacking based on a layering system.  I found that to be rather annoying, so the first thing I decided on when designing this latest system is that higher and heavier forms of armor will come naturally with less degrees of armor.  These provide no more or less protection, however buying one suit of armor could be worn with less to be a different suit.

For example, the best armor in regards to protection is, of course, the Full Plate.  Full Plate can be modularly worn as Half Plate or Partial Plate, or the plate pieces can be completely removed, leaving the Chainmail.  Under the chainmail is a gambeson, which is a type of padded tunic used to cushion the weight of metal against your body.  It can also be worn alone as a very light, minor armor.  So, one piece of armor can be worn as five separate types of armor, but instead of having each armor cumulate (which I could have done, with a layering system), each tier is just better then the rest in regards to protection.

Why do this instead of a layering system?  Layers would add more customization, and such.  Well, I have a pair of meta-gamers that play test my systems, and they have shown me that a player can easily manipulate such systems beyond the scope originally foreseen by the creator (especially if the system is Song of Ice and Fire RPG - good Lord that was easy to meta).  This way, if someone wants to "stack layers" for the best protection, they just buy the heavier armor, stronger armor without weighing the options of their second layer between A, B or C.

What's the point?  Well, role-play, mainly.  Characters shouldn't sleep in their Full Plate, and game-masters shouldn't let players get away with that.  Sleeping in you gambeson is much more comfortable, and you can be suddenly awoken and still be wearing armor.  Also, I plan to incorporate the effects of extreme weather while wearing armor.  Attending the Texas Renaissance Festival taught me that wearing layers of metal armor is really, really tiring, due to the heat that was not so in medieval Europe, where these armors were used.

At the same time, wearing metal armor in a frozen land would be like wearing ice.  In our current DragonQuest campaign (which you are aware of, because you read my blog - right?), they are currently in a land akin to Greenland in weather, and it is nearly winter.  They are trudging through snow, walking on ice bridges the size of islands, etc.  In DragonQuest, this just means they lose Fatigue from traveling.  I'd like to explore what the effects of metal armor have in a fight while in a foot of snow.  i doubt it would be pleasant.

In my research, I learned about some armor I had not yet known.  The Coat of Plates, for example, has an interesting history and function.  It's like a medieval bulletproof vest, only against arrows (not proof, but neither is kevlar to bullets).  If you interested, I encourage you to do your own research.  You'll learn a bit about it, and others like it, if and when my system gets released to the public.

The more this game develops, the more I am pleased to watch the merging of history and fact with fantasy and magic.  It's going to be like if DragonQuest had access to the internet.  Naturally, not everything is realist, game balance must remain in tact.  But still, its going to be a damn fine game, if I do say so myself.  Be on the look out!

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