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Sunday, July 15, 2012

Star Trek: Invincible - Introduction

An Introduction to my latest table-top roleplay, Star Trek: Invincible.

Star Trek: Invincible is my latest game in the Star Trek universe.  I have seven players, each characters within Starfleet serving on the Sovereign-class starship, the USS Invincible.

For people familiar with Star Trek and its products, we start our campaign within a year of the events of  the movie Star Trek: Nemesis.  Following in the format of the multiple television series, I decided to label each story as an episode.

Before we get to that, I shall introduce you to the cast (or player characters).

The captain of the Invincible is Captain Ozozah, a middle-aged male Caitian.  After the Academy, he participated in the Benzite Cultural Exchange.  He first assign in Starfleet that would set the pace for his career was a mission of diplomacy.  During the Dominion War, he provided aid to the negotiating tables with the Romulans, as well as participating in a tour of open combat.  After Ozozah's first command, he received special training for intelligence, first contact, and advanced combat training.  The Invincible is his second command, and a prestigious position despite his relatively short command career.

The first officer is a vulcan man, Commander Sevik.  His first tour of duty had him involved in the early combat of the Dominion War.  He quickly rised through the ranks, and took command training to qualify for the position of Second Officer.  After the War, he served as First Officer of a starship, the USS Calypso.  After outshining many candidates, Sevik accepted a transfer to the USS Invincible, again as First Officer.

The Chief Medical Officer aboard the Invincible is a human woman, Lieutenant Commander Juliana Phelps.  After her first tour of duty, she returned to the Academy to continue her academics in the study of medicine.  When she had finished, she was called to serve on the front lines of the Dominion War.  She received some training to prepare her for the Chief Medical position, and served on various starships, leading a medical response team.  After the War, she remained on Deep Space Nine and continued to provide medical care in the aftermath of the violence.  She was then reassigned to the USS Invincible.

The Chief Engineer is a half-vulcan, half-human woman, Lieutenant Commander Scully.  Prior to joining Starfleet Academy, she attended the Vulcan Science Academy.  She served on two starships, the first on a deep space mission, the second was assigned to provide relief to planets still suffering from the Dominion War.  Following a promotion, she accepted assignment on the Invincible, her first tour as Chief Engineer.

The Chief of Operations is a joined Trill male, Lieutenant Commander Coul Anala.  Coul received special combat training and fought during the Dominion War extensively.  Post-War, he was assigned to a starship, the USS Ark Royal.  From there, he was transferred to the USS Invincible to begin his first tour as Chief Operations Officer.

The final member of the Senior Staff in the cast is the Chief of Security and Tactical, Lieutenant Valryon, an Andorian man.  Serving on the ground and on a starship, he was consistently in combat throughout the Dominion War.  He is a master of Federation Martial Arts, and an expert marksman with a Type-II hand phaser.  After fighting alongside Klingons, he was introduced to the Klingon Bat'leth, and has become quite proficient with one.  Although he has limited experience with a tactical operations of a starship, his distinguished service made him a prime candidate for the Chief Security/Tactical Officer aboard the USS Invincible.

The last, and possibly most enigmatic, cast member is Cadet Korvan, a Romulan man and the first Romulan in Starfleet.  He was selected by the Academy to continue his education with field experience, and he will spend his third and the first half of his fourth year of the Academy aboard a starship.  The USS Invincible's first mission, which will take them in to Romulan Space, made it the perfect posting for Korvan.  Despite being an Academy Cadet, he has been met with scrupulous observation and sometimes even blatant distrust from his peers.  His assignment to the Invincible was no coincidence, as it will provide Captain Ozozah a Romulan's perspective.

Now that you've met the cast, my next post will be the first session of Episode 1: Shadow of Remus.

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